Do you have any of the symptoms on the attached list? If so, please complete the TMJ and Sleep Surveys on our website and submit. Dr. Perkins will personally call you to discuss.
Author: Admin
For the 4th time in a row, Dr. Perkins was selected Best TMJ Dentist and Best Sleep Doctor. Congratulations!!!
Please read a story of a 48-year-old RN who needlessly suffered for years, until she found Dr. Perkins, and after 9 months of his holistic treatment regained her “life and happiness”.
Follow the ideas in this article and see Dr. Perkins for an exam to get to the CAUSE of your sleep problem.
Answer the questions of the attached list and let us know if we can help!
Please read this article by local wellness expert Liz Jones describing her conversation with Dr. Perkins about the importance of sleep.